Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2 per day

Strange enough, but lately the interesting thoughts come with the frequency of 2 per day. The most valuable for me end up here with the intention to share and not to lose them in this slightly disorganized flow of people and places that i am experiencing at the moment.

Thought number one:

With the work in tourism i came to notice that we usually have our answers prepared to the most number of questions we get from other people. Questions like:

- How long have you been living here?
- What is the salary?
- Are you staying here forever?
- So, how does the profession of shaman work?
- Woow, those sea turtles are so huuuge! how long do they live?

And this list includes about a 100 questions more and about a 100 more standard answers. And not only at work, but in the real life it keeps repeating. You meet new people and very rare the conversation starts from something different. Don´t you sometimes wish to say something strange instead of the standard answer just to see the face of the person and to make it a bit more fum? I think i am gonna do this experiment in the next few days :)

Though number two.

This is not entirely my own thought, but i keep thinking on this aspect more and more with time. All the people we meet in life work as our mirrors. Like magnifying mirrors. Destiny will put us together with those who have certain traits of character similar to yours but 10 times more developed so that you can observe them from the outside and decide if you want to keep this trait for yourself or not really. For some reason it happens even more in the male-female relationships which always provokes the intention from one side to change the other. In the reality it´s always yourself that need to be changed or worked upon.

P.S. and the little tradition that i´ve created for myself a couple of years ago goes on.. Macedonia, Dominican  Republic, India.. now i´ll celebrate a Bday in Mexico.. which one would be next? ;)

Friday, September 13, 2013


For some reason i've started paying a lot of attention to the signs recently. The unviverse always sends something our way, we can ignore it, or we can be a bit more careful and thanks to those little signs make our way on this planet a bit more consious. I bet that the image of St George that was under my right foot during the 3 floors elevator ride must definitely mean something.

He is on the hourse defeating a snake. What would that be? My roommate is convinced that we interpret the signs the way we want and depending on our way of thinking we give them one meaning or another. Well, makes sense, and the interpretation that i've found on the internet and that made sense to me was that snake means the Ego, and the whole picture is about defeating your Ego.

Apparently Mexico is a very good place for practicing that. A lot of misunderstanding and misinterpretations come from the fact that our ego is so boosted that even a small thing is able to offend us. Even at work it's easily noticeable. No, they don't do those things to insult you, or to make you feel bad. It's just how this culture is and the people of this culture are used to work in their own way. And comming from Russia the first reaction on the poor excursion plan or on making you wait for 2 hours would be: omg, it's so disrespectful! Of course there shoud be some effort from both sides, but personally for me it's a very good lesson on patience and resilience.

It's been about two months since i'm here and another thing that i've noticed is that all this time i was in the state of waiting. Waiting till i get my documents, till i move to the new appartment, till i learn something about Mexico so that I can share it with tourists, till this till that.What i've realised yesterday and what i've felt from the inside is that recently i've unconciously changed the mode from Waiting to Inspired and being in Now and taking things as they are feels way much better. It's always like this in life - we are waiting for something and with that internal feeling we can't truly enjoy the present moment. We can, but not a 100 % because on the back of our mind we always have this nagging "and after that i will do..".
I love this current state of being in present - yes, some plans and dreams here and there don't hurt and it's necessary to have them to assure that you are going where you want to be going. What is not healthy is getting too much into planning because living the moment is what makes life so great.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A day on the island

Its great to travel with friends, with family, with someone you love, but there is something about solo travelling that makes me not wanna change it for anything else..

This moment when you just come to the place and let the feelings guide you around is precious. You dont need to plan in advance, you dont need a lot of money, not even a map, just a bit of knowledge of the local language and some courage that will take you to the places you would not have seen otherwise.
I couldn't dream of a better day off then the one this week turning out to be a 14 kilometer return trip on an old bike to Punta Sur, the edge of the Isla Mujeres island.

Wow, its getting quite windy here and looks like the dark blue that is over Cancun now is moving this way. The wind is so strong that if you put you body against it and lean forward a bit, it's able to hold you and you feel like you are flying. And what can be more precious then standing at the edge of the island with the salty wind blowing in your face and enormous waves breaking down there? Well, maybe a  ride back in the pouring rain and a sea view with perfect for my stupid-beginner-surfer level waves.. Or a little stop at the beach on the way and getting in the warm ocean with pelicans flying around.. Or playing with the cuttest black dog that came over to see what this crazy girl on the bike is doing here?

And soaking wet entering the awesome Pita Amore place..

"did you get wet?"- the guys from the table next to me..
"oh, really, did i?"
"if you want i can bring you a t shirt, and i dont care if you give it back :)"

wow, appreciate it..

"would you like to order?"
"yes, one veggie pita please"
"oh, are you Sasha? Ricardo told that he met you couple of hours ago.. The wine is on the house"

The life is full of little surprises and awesome people, you just need to believe that those are the ones that will come your way.

Couldnt expect the better ending of the day then the ride to the plastic bottle island that i've read about in WIKI a couple of months ago and was so impressed with. 

It is real! and Richart lives there! very artistic, very sustainable, worth seing and mabe making one like that :)

Thank you world for this.